Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's Been a While Since We've Had a Day Like This

Jessica woke up to her alarm enough this morning to text me from bed to say:
"I'm not feeling good :( my throat hurts; I'm really tired and I have a headache... I think I'm going back to sleep :( "
I peeked in on her, but she was pretty out of it.

She woke up at 10am and was able to get up to take a Pop-Tart back to bed with her, still not feeling too good. At noon she was sound asleep.

She woke up in time to make it to her last class. They were supposed to be workshopping (critiquing) their drafts of their fiction writing so they could edit them and turn them in tomorrow, so she didn't want to miss.

She's still tired and has a sore throat tonight, but better than this morning. She got her homework done, and she's back in bed for the night.

It's been a while since she's had a day like this.


Lori P said...

Hope she's feeling better today. At least the weekend is here. :D

Sue Jackson said...

Sorry Jessica had a bad day this week - hope that was the only one. Jamie's only missed 1 day of school so far this year, but he's badly crashed this weekend - severe sore throat, aches, the works. It's unlikely he'll go to school tomorrow.

Hope you guys had a good weekend -
