Friday, August 8, 2008

Week of August 2nd - August 8th

Jessica probably had her best week this week since early April. She was focusing better, had more stamina, and was more animated, perkier, and lively. It was good to see! Tonight she's laughing and playing with Matthew.

Sunday she was tired, but that was after going to the lake for a picnic (in the heat) and even playing in the water the day before. Wednesday she had a headache, and was tired, but that was after going to the water park and swimming - quite a bit - the day before. She got up not feeling too good this morning (Friday) - tired - but later bathed the dogs, took a nap, and then got to go see her horse. She's also been working on sewing projects this week. She's not had a day where she's symptom free, but she's had a better week! Yahoo!

We don't know if her good week is mostly due to the IV, the medicine/supplements, or all the many prayers that are going up for her. One thing for sure is that we're happy to see it!