Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday 1/27/09

Jessica stayed in bed all day - tired, coughing, etc. She missed her second day of school this week. She did manage to get her homework done, and has seemed perkier than yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow will be even better.

Our ice/snow day that we were looking for last night, turned into mostly rain today. We're waiting to see what tonight brings, and the kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow.


Renee said...

She is in my thoughts and prayers today....

Laura (aka Mom) said...

Thanks Renee. Prayers are definitely appreciated!


Paula said...

Going back to your questions about whether this was a "flare Up" of EBV or something else, I have the same questions myself sometimes. Back in Oct. I got really sick with the worst sore throat ever. It swelled to the point I had difficulty breathing at night while lying down. No cough though. Lots of congestion. A "double whammy" - I think I read somewhere was a phrase someone else used - CFIDS plus another virus/bact. infection. It did eventually go away and I was back to "normal"

Hang in there Jessica! - this too shall pass..

p.s. we're now getting the ice you got!

Laura (aka Mom) said...

Hi Paula,

That's what this seems to be - CFIDS plus another bacterial infection (bronchitis). Today she's still really exhausted. But hoping for tomorrow! As you said this too shall pass - Thank you!

The northern part of our state got a LOT of ice. We ended up with more rain here.

I hope you're doing ok.

Laura (aka Mom) said...

Hi Paula,

That's what this seems to be - CFIDS plus another bacterial infection (bronchitis). Today she's still really exhausted. But hoping for tomorrow! As you said this too shall pass - Thank you!

The northern part of our state got a LOT of ice. We ended up with more rain here.

I hope you're doing ok.